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Why Choose a Cloud Based PBX System for your Organization?

· Cloud pbx

An effective and well-founded method of communication is a cornerstone of every successful business. Cloud PBX systems or Virtual PBX, generally known as internet calling or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), become immensely popular among Australians due to its increased ubiquity of cloud storage across all aspects of the business.  

Cloud-based PBX system benefits all types of businesses across Australia, whether it’s a start-up or large global companies. Its services deliver advanced unified communication aspects that contribute to the businesses’ success. Gone were the days when business had relied upon on-premise equipment. With the rising shift to cloud services, the on-premise system and application can be kept away safely in off-site server centres.  

Cloud PBX

Why it become essential to switch to a Cloud PBX system?  

Over the past few years, Australia has been going through several traditional business phone system changes. The NBN (National Broadband Network) will take out copper lines from the picture, which provide a perfect opportunity to customers to switch to the cloud-based phone system. In addition, it eliminates huge charges to upgrade your current phone system.  

The Advantages of Cloud-hosted PBX system   

Massive reduction in costs: When it comes to cloud-hosted PBX solution, the business doesn’t require investing resources into sophisticated hardware since the complete phone system is hosted and managed primarily in the cloud. Since, this virtual PBX solution is not confined to any geographical locations, which results in massive call savings for organizations.  

Easy deployment: Due to its virtual nature, a cloud-hosted PBX can be up and running in few hours. There is no need for cable and server switches. The system is designed in a way, which can even operate by the non-IT user, which means any employee of your organization can easily set up the things.  

Enhance user mobility: With the Cloud PBX Australia, users are no longer tied to workplace traditional phones. A hosted PBX enables you to take your business service wherever you want. Your remote staffs can still connect with clients and partners using their business numbers just as they are present in the office.   

Excellent Call Features: Cloud-based phone offers many significant benefits in terms of Call features:   

  • Call recording: You can record each call or set to auto record all calls.  
  • Simultaneous Ring: A user can take a call from any device it can be workplace phone, mobile and home phone. All device can ring at the same time.  
  • Auto receptionist: When a user is unavailable, he can direct his callers easily to IVR or Virtual Receptionist.  

Do you want to switch to a Cloud-based VoIP phone system in Australia? We will suggest you make sure that you settle for nothing but the best services.    

ACTIVICT is one such popular and most-trusted Cloud-based PBX provider in Australia, and it offers flexible and affordable solutions suitable for your business phone system. The skilled and expert team of ACTIVICT enable a business to interface its internet network with various devices and lower the need for costly infrastructure and support them in expanding their geographical boundaries. 

Call ACTIV ICT’s customer service team to enquire about their business services at 1300 122 848 or mail at